Monday, November 9, 2009

How to backup data to DVD and find them later with ease

"Which DVD did I backup my file to?" I have certainly, for many times in the past, stared at a pile of CD/DVDs, scratched my head and for the life of me couldn't figure out where a particular file went.

Eventually I found a simple solution that works for me. Basically, every time I burn a DVD, I'd use a Python script to create a text file with the same name as the DVD label, and this file will record all the file names/directories on that DVD.

I put all these files in a folder, and this is what it looks like:

Every time I need to find a file, I would select a bunch text files, and open them all in Notepad++

In Notepad++, I would go to: "Search > Find" (or press: Ctrl + F), type in the file name, click "Find All in All Opened Documents", and voila! In seconds I could find out which DVD has the file I wanted.

Step-by-step guide:

Required downloads:
1. download and install python (current version 2.6.4, ~14mb)
2. download and install notepad++ (my favourite text editor, ~3.4 mb), or any other text editor that allows you to search for keywords in multiple files.
3. download and save the python script to your hard drive:

Create content text files for DVDs:

1. create a folder in your hard drive to store backup information. (I'll use C:/mybackup as the example directory from now on)

2. put the python script "" into the folder created in 1.

3. Open with a text editor, scroll down to the bottom of the file, go to line #66:
# Edit the following 2 lines
xpath = "G:/"
output = "content.txt"

4. change xpath to the path of your DVD drive (mine is "G:/"). eg. If your DVD drive is D, change the line to:
xpath = "D:/"

5. save and close

6. burn your files to DVD as usual.

7. When the DVD burning is done, don't remove it from the drive just yet. With the DVD in the drive, double-click, the script will now search your DVD and write all the file and folder names into a file called content.txt and place it in C:/mybackup.

8.1 change the name of content.txt to be the same as the label of your DVD. I will often name my DVD using the date + a short description. eg. "2009_10_19_videos.txt", "2009_11_9_photos.txt".

8.2 Alternatively, you can change the following line in before running step 5:
output = "2009_11_9_photos.txt"

A Handy Tip:
When viewing the text files generated by the script in Notepad++, you can go to: top panel > language > python; then go to: View > Fold All (or press Alt + 0). Now you can click the [+] or [-] sign next to the paths to expand/collapse the file lists.

Final Note:

If you know Python, feel free to customize the script to create more advanced outputs.

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